
If you are suffering from a medical condition that has severely hindered your ability to work, it is time to explore hiring a Social Security Lawyer Rochester NY. This allows you to have the upper hand when dealing with the courts and filing for social security. It can be an overwhelming and lengthy process, but it is worth the effort if you cannot work. The right social security lawyer Rochester NY knows how to present your medical condition in a manner that will get you the money you need to live comfortably each month.How Do I Know it’s Time to File for Social Security Disability?When your medical condition has lasted a year or longer it is time to file for social security disability. You can also file when you are not sure when or if the medical condition has improved following a year of illness. You are not allowed to file for Social Security disability any sooner unless there’s medical proof you are too ill to work and the illness is not improve anytime in the near future, such as with a terminal illness.

Do I Have to Hire a Social Security Disability Lawyer?It is not required to have a lawyer represent you at a hearing. That said, a lawyer is an experienced professional in this realm and understands how to present the case so you have the best chances of being granted disability. This is very important to any person in this position, which is why an attorney is a fantastic investment that typically pays off in dividends.

Can I Hire a Social Security Disability Lawyer If My Initial Application Was Denied?Yes. In fact, most applications are denied the first time around. If you choose to appeal the case, you will be granted a hearing. This is when legal representation can benefit your case. An experienced team will make the process easier on you. This is preferred by those who are ill and do not want to exhaust themselves with the case.

For more information on finding a social security disability lawyer in the Rochester NY area, please visit us at